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Activ Mineral Glow of the year - 2020!

Activ Mineral Glow of the year - 2020!

One of the things many of our customers have noticed when they add Activ Mineral in the feeding plan is that they have an improvement in the fur quality of the horse, they become naturally shiny in the fur - which we call "the Activ Mineral Glow" 🌟😁 To cheer up in the winter darkness in Sweden, we decided to find the horse with the best Activ Mineral Glow in 2020. Those who fed Activ Mineral and noticed this on their horse could participate and compete for great prices on our instagram (@mineralsbynordic).

And many competition entries came in on the tag #activmineralglow, it was really difficult to select among the entries so it ended up with 16 horses settling in duels that turned into 8 horses and then into 4 finalists. We were going to show you the finalists here, we are so happy that we did not have to decide (the followers on instagram chose the winner in voteing) who would win for everyone looks fantastic!

Best Activ Mineral Glow of 2020:
Svea, owned by Rebecca Granat!

Årets bästa glow

The finalists:

Activ Mineral Glow

Activ Mineral glow

Activ Mineral glow

Another competition entry we received that really touched me was from @moaochboy where they got really good results in many ways:
"The dark parts are chafing, the coat was bad, and he did not build muscle. Now we have feed with Activ Mineral in 4 months, and wow what a difference! It's hard to get a glow on a grey horse, but the difference from how he looked at first is huge. The coat is good, no chafing, and a really round and lovely butt😉😍 He has filled in and built muscle. Got better quality on both fur, hooves, mane and tail. I'm so glad I chose to try Active Mineral and will never stop!"

Before Activ Mineral:

Före Activ Mineral

After Activ Mineral:

Efter Activ Mineral

Before & After, muscles:

Före Activ MineralActiv Mineral

Wow we say, and many thanks to everyone who participated and shared your great results, we vote for a sequel to this competition after 2021.
Here you will find our favorite package for ultimate Glow

Glow duon

Vilma Kollberg - Icelandic rider"Seifur has become so willing to work!"

Vilma Kollberg - Icelandic rider

"I have tested Minerals by Nordic's new product Inflaboost DHA. Since Seifur started getting Inflaboost, he seems to feel so much better, on all levels! He is much more positive at work. He who is usually a little lazy now works with his whole body and WANTS work, unlike before when he just wanted to dodge all work and preferably did not leave the farm. His wind galls that previously came and went has become much smaller and less frequent, and he is very much more stable in both psyche, body and gaits He has got a completely different power in the step and is much more steady and balanced. And last but not least .. He thinks it's good. Seifur is the most discerning horse I have met. But this, mixed with Pur.Mash or alfalfa , slips down without problems! ", says Vilma Kollberg Icelandic horse rider.

Vilma Kollberg
Sanna Forsell - Showjumper"Martha's saddle compulsion is completely gone!"

Sanna Forsell - Showjumper

"I have been giving products from Minerals by Nordic for a few months & I am incredibly impressed with the results! All the horses eat Activ Mineral, MG Control - magnesium, Höveler Pur.Mash & Inflaboost DHA from Minerals by Nordic. The minerals have given the horses improved fur, skin & hooves! Magnesium helps the nervous and muscular systems of those horses with a lot of blood & nerves. But the best part has been Inflaboost DHA combined with the probiotic PUR.MASH for the horses' gastrointestinal health, given because they often travel for training & competition. Above all, my immensely sensitive mare Martha who easily gets stressed, excited and played with the nerves on the outside which is now experienced as more harmonious. Her saddle compulsion has completely disappeared since she started getting Inflaboost DHA with Höveler PUR.MASH, she has no longer problem with her breath during hard training & competition and she recovers faster after training & competition! "

Sanna Forsell Minerals by Nordic

"Now she can also get half of the concentrate feed she received before because her gastrointestinal health is better and improved absorption capacity, even though she is an extremely difficult-to-breed horse. She has never been so nice in the body, harmonious in the head & performed so well!

Thank you minerals by Nordic for providing the horses with the absolute best supplements for the best conditions 🙏🏽 "

Watch the film when Sanna prepares the feed and tells what she gives and why to Martha:
(English subtitle)

Jeanette Adler - Veterinary & EDO®"The veterinarian & EDO® who recommend Minerals by Nordic"

Jeanette Adler - Veterinary & EDO®

“- I meet many different types of horses that use Minerals by Nordic's products. Those horses are always very nice in muscle, the coat and perform really well, says veterinarian Jeanette Adler.

”-I am very excited about Mineral by Nordic's mineral mix Activ Mineral. It is easy to feed and is a mixture of the most important minerals, trace elements and amino acids where the horse absorbs what it needs and then regulates the balance in the body itself. I like to feed with high quality ingredients without fillers, for the benefit of the whole horse system. My own horses are in really good mental and physical condition. Both the daughters' Shetland ponies, our breeding mares and the riding horses all eats the products. ”

Jeanette Adler is a veterinarian and osteopath who travels and treats horses in Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Norway. Jeanette was originally trained as a veterinarian in 2009 and has worked as a veterinarian in Denmark and Scotland. In 2015, she also graduated as Equine Osteopath EDO® at "The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education", certified by IREO. * Since then, Jeanette has also worked as a teacher in the Osteopat education. Jeanette has for many years trained young horses and jumping horses and competed at the national level in jumping.

Jeanette Adler

* EDO® is a protected title that covers the "Equine Diplomate of Osteopathy", which guarantees the most comprehensive education and degree, of the highest standard, and continuous continuing education.

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